Debut Album ‘Nine Track Mind’ | Charlie Puth – Marvin Gaye ft. Meghan Trainor Bianca Alysse January 29, 2016 Music 2 Comments "Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on You got the healing that I want Just like they say it in the song Until the dawn, let's Marvin Gaye and get it...
Meghan Trainor – Like I’m Gonna Lose You ft. John Legend Bianca Alysse October 23, 2015 Music 1 Comment I found myself dreaming in silver and gold Like a scene from a movie that every broken heart knows We were walking on moonlight, you pulled me...
Meghan Trainor – Dear Future Husband Bianca Alysse April 8, 2015 Music 1 Comment Download "Title" at iTunes: Amazon: Spotify: "Dear future...
Meghan Trainor – No Good For You (Audio) Bianca Alysse February 10, 2015 Fashion, Featured, Music 3 Comments His kiss is soft and sweet He sweeps you off your feet He's no good for you He's no good for you And sure he's worth a lot of gold But you're...