How to Break into The Entertainment Industry – Bianca Alysse Bianca Alysse November 24, 2016 CREATIVELY DRIVEN, Featured, Lifestyle 5 Comments I shared how my career began with Jenisse...
How New York Are You? Bianca Alysse November 24, 2016 CREATIVELY DRIVEN 2 Comments Jenisse test how New York Bianca is after coming back from...
Creatively Driven Bianca Alysse June 27, 2016 CREATIVELY DRIVEN 2 Comments Bianca Alysse Mercado is a creatively driven millennial, with ink covered hands and headphones blaring. Prior to Latina, she worked alongside some...
GET CHEEKY: 7 CELEBRITIES IN SHORT SHORTS! Bianca Alysse June 10, 2015 CREATIVELY DRIVEN, Fashion, Lifestyle 2 Comments As the weather heats up, men and women around the world anticipate some much needed shapely satisfaction. This summer, we'll be admiring beautiful...
Birthday Love from Bianca Alysse! Bianca Alysse October 27, 2014 CREATIVELY DRIVEN, Featured, Lifestyle 9 Comments Thank you to my Creatively Driven team and anyone who's contributed positive energy, a feature, talent or belief in my growth. I'm humbled by what...
Wednesday. Bianca Alysse September 17, 2014 Lifestyle 4 Comments She cleaned her face and realized he wouldn't ask, "why are the blinds shut whenever you're alone"? She wouldn't stare at him blankly because she...